The story of Jazz and Blues Society is the story of determination, passion, music. Founded in 1985 and incorporated in 1986, as a community based, not-for
organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia, the society, from the very begi
to establish Vancouver as a centre for the creation and exchange of sounds

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis i natus error voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
How Investing In Dependend Incer
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis i natus error voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
Asing To Business Security
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis i natus error voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis i natus error voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
doloremque laudantium, tota aperiam, eaque ipsa The story of Jazz
and Blues Society is the story of determination
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